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PJ Ladd's Beautiful Compilation

Jan 2022 by Route One
Kicking off the new year in style, we're swinging into 2022 bringing you the freshest content in the form of, err, old footy from a bloke aged 39...

Rest easy, as bad as that sounds on paper, this is some old but never before seen (and a smattering of "seen") clips of the legendary PJ Ladd, straight outta the New Balance archives. Never mind the fact the tricks are all a few years old, skateboarding doesn't get any better than this!

Impossible ledge combos and that timeless style remain. Whilst PJ may have done us dirty with his Plan B 'True' no show, all is forgiven when we've got a part like this to enjoy. So sit back, press play and bask in the brilliance; the boy from Boston is still every bit as good as the PJLWHL days...

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