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Brixton 'Public Service Announcement' Art Show

Aug 2018 by Route One

A couple of weeks ago Brixton invited us down to Shoreditch to attend their latest project, a touring art show called 'Public Service Announcement'. London was the second of three stops with the first being Paris and final in Berlin. 

brixton Art Show Public Service Announcement

PSA was a collaborative effort between GX1000 star man Brian Delatorre and Dolan Sterns, who back in 2014 instantly, became one of our favourites after his insane Meet The Lurkers section. Brian is also a photographer who focuses on seeming spur of the moment photography, capturing the beautiful mundanity of everyday life while Dolan is an illustrator of surreal figures, working on everything from huge murals to small stick and poke tattoos.

Dolan Sterns and Brian Delatore at their joint art show for Brixton Union

The event was rammed from start to finish with scruffy skate rats rubbing shoulders with the more polished squeaky clean Shoreditch hipsters. All in all it was a rad time and we are stoked to see a company like Brixton supporting their riders and bringing something as interesting as this to the table!

Check out the full video of the weekend below filmed by one of our favourite film makers Sirus F Gaham and featuring our own Francis Peters.

Click here to check our latest Brixton drop!

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