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Chrome ball #151: Louie Barletta

Oct 2021 by Route One

Whilst Captain Lou's age may be the closest guarded secret in skateboarding, his love for the sport is timeless, as this brand new longform interview for The Chrome Ball incident shows!

San Jose's most famous son, besides Dustin "Screech" Diamond of course, sits down with Chops for his bite of the CBI apple and discusses everything from his early days on Sonic Skateboards through to Matt Eversole's impact on his career, leaving out Louie's "legit" tricks in favour of dorkier fare.

Branching out with some serious research, which is why Erik Swisher's blog is held in such high regard, Louie even broaches subjects like his time representing Skechers (yeah, those shoes your gran wears to bingo) as well as the customary bowl cut convo; this interview really is a smorgasbord of everything Louie Barletta!

Check it here.

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