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Hewitt and Stu in Colorado for Independent

Apr 2015 by Route One

NHS Distribution’s in house production company Strangenotes has released this cracking little clip of Indy sponsored concrete legends Peter Hewitt and Stu Graham, tearing up the transitions of Colorado, over on the Ride channel.

Also featuring Stu’s Creature team mate Willis Kimbel, this is no nonsense gnarl from the get go. You won’t find any Youtube hero quadruple flips here, oh no – this is grown man territory and these guys like it big, fast and hard!

Few people are in the same league as Stu and Pete when it comes to skating a bowl and any of you that way inclined are sure to get to get pure hyped from this. For the rest of you street rats, we reckon this could well inspire you to at least have a go at some proper concrete – you wouldn’t say no to Stu’s face so don’t say no to this beast of a clip!

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