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Joe & Tommy's Pack of Lies

Aug 2022 by Route One

With more than a titular nod to Blind's seminal double header 'Tim & Henry's Pack of Lies,' The National Skateboard Co. drops their latest release, the absolutely magnificent bipartite showcase of Joe Gavin and Tommy May!

Hosted by Vague Mag, Norfolk native Tommy May kicks off proceedings with a barely-holding-on style that belies the technicality of his skateboarding. From Notts to Wakey, Tommy takes his four wheeled approach to a myriad of spots and walks (or should we skates) away victorious time and time again.

Various TNSC heads pop up throughout but it's the appearance of Manchester's finest, old Ninja Fingers himself, that really has us hot under the collar. Over twenty years deep in the game, the ever-productive Joe Gavin is probably sitting on more parts than any other British skater in history. Constantly evolving and improving, the prolific nature of the lad from Withington hasn't changed as he approaches 40 and this part is every bit as good as his Cottonopolis part or Seasons footage. This is definitely one to place firmly in the re-watch pile!

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