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Justin 'Figgy' Figueroa: The Route One Interview

Oct 2016 by Route One

If you're anything like us, then Emerica's latest full length 'Made 2' has been on constant repeat from the second it finished downloading. As you well know, the video is truly amazing; from Provost's fence clearing hardflip to Reynold's "low impact" approach, through Spanky's come back part, to Jon Dixon's face melting kickflip ender, we think we can all agree it's a proper belter!

Somebody had to close the show though and you don't have to consider it for long to concur with the honour going to Irvine, CA native and Baker pro Justin 'Figgy' Figueroa. From the bone breaking opening slams to a rail attack the likes of which we've never witnessed, the Black Sabbath super fan puts it down harder than we've seen in a long time. We simply had to have a chat with the lad and ask him about the whole thing, so that's what we did!

Opening up our exclusive series of Emerica 'Made 2' interviews in style, Figgy covers every subject we threw at him with grace and humour; he's that perfect mix of consummate professional whilst still being a party loving skateboarding weirdo - exactly the way it should be! Click play to hear the big man speak then check back soon for Collin Provost's turn in the R1 hot seat...

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