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Malto And Curren Skate Montreal

Nov 2018 by Route One

We'll be the first to admit we're not overly stoked on the idea of pushing a sugar laden soft drink's advertorial content out to you guys, but sometimes you have to look beyond the packaging a product comes in and this week, this clip of Sean Malto and Curren Caples falls exactly into that category.

Two of the nicest guys in the business skating one of the most stunning cities in North America has to be worthy of piquing most people's interest and when the footage is produced by Ryan Lovell (who made the absolutely excellent Vans 'Spinning Away' clip earlier this year) that interest becomes certifiable - regardless of one's feelings about the effects of fizzy pop on our nation's youth, some things you just gotta watch!

"Epic street spots to DIY parks to Backyard pools" - with these two at the wheel you know it's a good time and the city doesn't disappoint. It's a great little clip all round and reminds us of the fun the adventure of travelling to a new place can offer. Definitely gives us food for thought as we fantasize about (and plan) next summer's skate trips throughout this forthcoming grim winter!



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