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Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
One Rewards, Route One Loyalty Account
Sailing Ships
Nov 2023 by Route One

They say only two things are certain in life, death and taxes, but we'd argue there are two more: Barcelona being the skate spot capital of the world and Gustav Tonnesen making skateboarding the most beautiful thing in existence.

Whilst Sailing Ships, the new video from Chris Emery, contains no reference to shuffling off this mortal coil or compulsory financial levies, it does deliver on the Barcelona and Gustav Tonnesen fronts, both of which makes us very happy indeed!

Showcasing some lesser seen terrain of those sunlit Catalonian hills (including an exceedingly enviable session on the drained fountain at Sants), we're reminded Barcelona is only a short flight away and we really should book another trip out there. Sadly we won't be making skateboarding look quite as beautiful as Gustav manages when we do!

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