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Weekend With Wes Kremer

Apr 2016 by Route One

The Berrics spent a weekend in the company of everyone’s favourite San Diego-ite / San Diego-in / San Diegan and Sk8 Mafia legend Wes Kremer and the results are every bit as enjoyable radical as you would hope.

Kicking things off with a tour of his parent’s home and his teenage bedroom, DC pro Wes soon turns his attention to skating with his crew of homies, hitting up an amazing looking wallie ledge spot before closing the first day at the most fun bank to kerb you’ll ever likely see.

Day two sees the action turned up a notch but at no point does anything feel forced or contrived. Few people are able to maintain their natural persona once subjected to the invasive eye of the watchful camera man but to Wes it’s water off a duck’s back – you really feel this is how the lad lives his life, destroying every spot he comes across and loving every second of it.

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