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Chris Baillie



Chris Baillie has been riding for our shop in Glasgow for some time and is now our newest member of the National team! Chris's deep bag of tricks, creative eye and infectious attitude made moving him from the shop to national team an easy choice. Hat aff Chris, you more than deserve it.
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Stance- Regular

Age- Old(ish)

Local park- Shite park in Ayr but I spend most of my time skating elsewhere.

Favourite spot- Renfrew skatepark.

Dream spot- A wee kidney bowl with pool tiles and some good friends.

Favourite obstacle- Bowl/Transition mostly, the quirkier the better.

Go to trick- Mayday grinds are fun.

What do you do when not skating- Destroy pizza

Hobbies outside of skateboarding- Patting dogs, eating pizza

Favourite skaters/ influences- Jamal Smith, Daewon Song, Antwuan Dixon, Dan Drehobl

Who influences you most outside of skateboarding- Jim Carrey

Last song played- Phone Wallet Keys by Adam Sandler

What music gets you amped to skate- Almost anything, I don’t really like Slayer n that

Favourite route one product- The beach pants, great to skate in and they come in all sorts of funky prints/ patterns

If you could steal a trick from another rider on your store team, who and what would it be- I saw Lorn G do a frontside bigspin heel on transition once, that looks like a fun one!

What’s the best thing about your city- Falafel 2 go next to the Glasgow store

If you had 3 wishes what would they be - A self cleaning solar powered jacuzzi, Normalisation of dressing like a pirate and, Greggs to bring back the macaroni pie

If you had a pro graphic what would be on it- Pictures that I drew as a 5 year old

Best ever skate mission- Lords of the Swords long weekender in Essex, and pretty much every time I’ve been to Europe it’s been the best in its own way regardless of where

Someone to look out for- Rudi & Mac!


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