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Ishod: Spitfire Rough Cut

Jan 2024 by Route One
It seems like only two weeks ago that we were referencing Ishod Wair's 2023 Spitfire part (it was literally only two weeks ago: R1-ed), singing the praises of its creator as we celebrated the launch of his brand new shoe for Nike SB.

Well, in the time honoured tradition of an all out media assault to coincide release of signature product, the 'rough cut' clips from said part just went online over at Thrasher and it serves to remind us that Ishod just might actually be the greatest of all time.

Obviously the term 'GOAT' is much bandied about these days, from discussing the likes of Messi and Jordan, to Meryl Streep thinking her co-stars Jennifer Lawrence and Jonah Hill were actually calling her a farmyard animal. But think about it; the longestest rails, the biggest stairs, the techest ledge moves and the most enormous of concrete transition - Ishod can do it all like no other and always with a cheeky smile on his face. If that doesn't qualify him as the GOAT then cancel the term, it carries no credence if Ishod isn't your man!

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