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Pat Duffy is 50!

Jan 2024 by Route One

For those who witnessed him making a name for himself in Plan B's seminal releases 'Questionable' and 'Virtual Reality,' the idea that the young handrail slayer from Corte Madera is now somehow 50 is almost too much to comprehend.

Not that anyone has told Pat's body. In Barcelona to celebrate his upcoming golden jubilee, accompanied by the ever talented Madars Apse, Marius Syvänen and Winkle on camera/hype duties, Pat quickly set about smashing some personal NBDs that would make any hungry am think twice.

Seriously, if you've never been to Barcelona, you'll never quite understand just how preposterously big the Port banks are. And, if you're lucky enough to have spent some time in the Catalan sun, you'll be well aware of the treacherous, wheel sized gap that sits half way down the pock mark riddled surface. Even ollieing into it is an achievement worth celebrating, seeing what Pat Duffy did at 50 years old is mind blowing! Watch it now!

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